Dear Members
You are invited to attend the PHAA Committee meeting and AGM on the 17th August from 6.30pm.
Please RSVP via this page if you would like to attend and a seat will be set aside for you.
- Confirm Meeting Minutes from last meeting
- Updates:
Events, Membership, Social Media, Financial, Website
- Presentation of Annual Report including Presidents and Treasurers Report
- Election of Office Bearers
- Matters without Notice
If you would like a matter raised on your behalf, you can also contact a committee member to do this for you.
We are pleased to announce that all lifetime members of the PHAA are now entitled to a complimentary Alumni Tie or Necklace. You can pick up yours at either the AGM or the Annual Alumni Gathering at the Newport Arms on Sunday 15th November from 4pm. It's a small thank you for being a member!
Yours Sincerely
Cathy Player (nee Jones, 1985) President
0409 609 770
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